Create Symbolic Link

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This utility lets you create a symbolic link which is referenced to the selected element. A symbolic link is a special type of file that contains a reference to another file or folder in the form of an absolute or relative path and that affects pathname resolution.

Symbolic links operate transparently for most operations: programs which read or write to files named by a symbolic link will behave as if operating directly on the target file. A symbolic link merely contains a text string that is interpreted and followed by the operating system as a path to another file or directory. It is a file on its own and can exist independently of its target. If a symbolic link is deleted, its target remains unaffected. If the target is moved, renamed or deleted, any symbolic link that used to point to it continues to exist but now points to a non-existing file.

In Windows Explorer, symbolic links are identified because an arrow is drawed over the icon of the object.

When this utility is run, a dialog box is displayed in order to select the location of the symbolic link which will referenced to the selected object. If Windows have enabled UAC (User Account Control), you will must grant permission in order to do the operation, because it is only possible to create symbolic links with administrator privileges.

NOTE: this utility only works on Windows Vista or later.